My profile may display scary imagery, blood or bright colors enter at your own risk


Silly little guy filled with never ending rage and desire to kill

  • my name is Phopho / Connor :3

  • He/him pronouns only


  • I'm obsessed with Land of the Lustrous like its not even funny

Terms of Service

Not following this will result in being blocked or blacklisted depending on the offense.

General TOS

-Do not trace my art/make my art into bases. In addition, I prefer if people could refrain from referencing my artstyle.-Do not repost my art anywhere.-Do not claim my art/designs as yours-Do not heavily edit my art without permission (although i allow minor changes like color fixes!) THIS ONLY APPLIES IF THE ART WAS MADE FOR YOU. You are NOT allowed to edit my art in any way unless it is art that you have commissioned me for.-Do not use my art as a profile picture without credit. In addition, NEVER use art of my ocs as your pfp.-Do not guilt-trip me.-Don't ask for free art, it won't work-Don't kin me or my ocs/sonas.-Do not take heavy inspiration from any of my characters.-Do not use my art for NFTs or use it with AI apps or anything related to it.-Do not remove my watermark from my art.-Do not use my art for any type of commercial use or put it on merch, etc.-Do not draw suggestive art of any of my characters without my consent.-When I do free raffles, I will most likely reroll if I roll someone who has 20+ pages of ocs-I do not do refunds on any character purchase.-I do not do tradebacks. I do first dibs if wanted tho, but that has to be discussed BEFORE the trade is done.

Design TOS

-You are free to regift, resell or retrade my designs freely unless you have received it for free. Using freebie designs of mine and using them for trade fodder without adding art to them first is not allowed-I'd prefer if you could keep my designs SFW.-Do not sell my designs off of toyhouse. In addition, do not delete my designs from toyhouse.-DO NOT MAKE CO OWN PROFILES WITH MY DESIGNS. Co owning is allowed but DO NOT make 2 profiles for the same character.-This goes without saying, but do not whitewash any of my POC designs.-Do not turn my designs into premade fursuits to sell. If you plan on doing this please ask me beforehand. Personal suits are fine tho!-Do not turn my designs into closed species characters without asking me first.-You are free to redesign my designs as much as you wish as long as i am still credited as the creator.-Do not turn my designs into CBCs-Do not delete the original design file. you are allowed to redesign but please still keep the old design on the profile, even if it is privated or in a different tab!!-I do holds for money offers, but am allowed to cancel at any time if i do not get any updates.-Always ask before using a design of mine commercially. In addition, always credit me when using said design.

Base TOS

-Do not trace my P2U bases.-Do not claim my bases as yours.-Do not resell the base or reupload it anywhere.-Sharing my P2U bases is strictly forbidden. Doing so will get you blacklisted.-Do not remove my watermark. You are allowed to move it but do not ever remove it.-Do not use my bases without crediting me. No matter where you post them, I want credit.-You are allowed to edit the bases freely as long as the watermark is still visible.-You can use my bases for personal art, adopts or customs, although if you offer someone customs on my bases make sure they know it is a base by me. In addition, making a custom for a blacklisted user using my bases is NOT allowed.-Do not use my bases as YCH commissions or use them for hateful content. As stated above custom designs on my bases are fine but YCHs are not.Do not use my bases to make closed species designs without asking me first.Failing to follow these rules will get you blocked and blacklisted. To use my bases, please credit the toyhouse account Phopho_ !

Comm TOS

-No refunds after I send the final sketch.-if you dont like the sketch, I will restart it, but have the rights to reuse the old sketch (as a ych or personal art, will ofc be editted to no longer represent ur oc!) this means you are not allowed to keep the sketch and upload it anywhere.-In addition to above, I will most likely not restart a sketch more than once. If I am asked to do so I am free to refund and cancel the commission.-I will not edit the lineart after the sketch phase unless i missed something.-I only take paypal and kofi for comms, and you must pay in USD.-Payment must be sent before i start.-If you do not give me a specific expression / pose / general directions for the art, I will take artistic liberty !-Always have the money upfront. I will not do holds for commissions.-Im allowed to refuse any commission if i dont feel comfortable doing it ! please do not pressure me or guilt trip me. That will only result in a block.-I will sometimes ask for a complexity fee if ur character is very complicated for me to draw. This fee ranges from $2 to $5 for regular commissions.-Commercial use of commissioned art is prohibited. In addition, if using the art anywhere, you MUST credit me.

Will draw:

  • Anthros

  • Humanoids

  • Ferals/Ponies

  • Body horror / Gore

  • Suggestive art (SOMETIMES this depends on what u want ugh ask first,,)

  • Species like canines, felines, etc

Won't draw:

  • Very muscular ocs

  • Mechas

  • NSFW

  • Nudity

  • Most likely wont draw species such as birds, lizards, insects, etc

Do not interact if:

dni if u fit these criterias.

-You fit in the basic DNI criteria (homophobic, transphobic, zoophile, pedophile, superstraight, racist, etc...) or support any of that stuff-You support/defend animal abusers and/or zoophiles / are one. Kys-if ur a Sillykitty136/Charlie hater im so serious don't even bother talking to me I will defend my oomfie until the day i die /srs-You are under 13-You are exclusively trying to get free art from me-Please don't talk to me like "hewwo, sowwy fwiend" etc... it makes me uncomfortable-You openly hate/have my friends blacklisted. I love my besties-I am not actively looking to make friends, if you are here exclusively to try and force me into a friendship pls don't, I'm very friendly and love talking but I have my limits :')-You treat trans surgery scars as a trigger/think they should be censored (this goes for any surgery scars tbh, trans or not)-If you sexualize my ocs/sonas please kill yourself- if you are friends with or support Winterfoxxl/Frostpanda11 in any way do not EVER interact with me. I do not care who you are I do not want you anywhere near me.

Before you interact:

things to know before talking to me!

I tend to take the same tone as the person im talking to, so if I think ur tone sounds mean i'll be mean to you which is why i highly appreciate people using tone indicators around me !!My first language is french, so my english can sound weird sometimes^^If I blocked you don't cry about it lmao I regularly block and unblock people please dont come to me asking why i had you blocked in the first place, I don't even know half the time,,,I am under no circumstance obligated to respond to your messages. i get overwhelmed very easily and tend to ghost people because of it, spamming me will just make me block you </3-I am very blunt at times, if i sound aggressive when im telling you something sorry that is literally just how i talk sometimes :(-Don't be afraid to ask me to take ur oc off my dreamie list! I'll always do it if you ask, sometimes i miss warnings that say not to do it-Sometimes i can sound forcing but its never my intention !!!! i just try to be polite and it ends up backfiring lmao-Please don't ask about past drama, If people apologize i'm ready to forgive them and I don't like holding grudges so yes sometimes I will state I do not support a user and then I will take that back because they apologized but it's usually not any of your business
-On top of this, If I have ever hurt you in any way please know it is not my intention to ever cause harm, and I will apologize to you if you reach out!!! I have no ill intent towards others but I tend to do things very impulsively which has caused issues before


If you are related to these users or support them in any way get the fuck away from meI do not want these people to own my designs, get art from me or draw any of my designs. I do not want any of these people interacting with any of my content EVER

WinterfoxXL // WinterTheLame // @frostpanda11 (twitter) // Basically Winterfoxxl on every platform // @sumerviixen (twitter)
Previous/other known usernames: Winterthelame, frostpanda
Winter groomed me when I was 12 years old
Callout here
ELWlWl // Wilbirb // Wylbr// Millhaven // Deadaccountxoxo // Tyezii (deviantart) // Latiiel (Artfight) // zawra / zawracrunch
Previous/other known usernames: Spidgea, Tyezi, Teafel, squiintz, latiiel
Ripped off MULTIPLE characters, has admitted to ripping them off but still didnt stop (also traded/sold most of them, meaning he actively made profit from this and scammed multiple people including me), copying people's artstyle until the people being copied had to come out because his behavior was becoming too creepy, has made a sexual assault headcanon for two of our ocs (one being MY MAIN SONA) and thought it was cute, has treated me like I am a fucking animal for months and caused me lots of trauma
more info here
Repeatedly sexually harassed my bestie throughout their relationship and said they were the victim when they got broken up with. Constantly making sexual jokes and sexual comments directed at my bestie with absolutely no consent whatsoever and then tried to argue that my friend was the one in the wrong because "she never said no" . Gave the world's worse apology, which was 5 short sentences and started with "guess I gotta get this over with" and ended with "short but there's not much to say" . Basically never treated my friend with any actual respect. Constantly broke the boundaries my friend set in their relationship and then complained that she never set boundaries ( she did set them you just failed to respect them ❤)
more info here
Withdrew important information from me about a situation and then wrote a psa about me and tried to get me banned from a discord server instead of sending me the proof or even asking if i was aware of anything. Always ends up trying to play the victim when they are the one always causing issues. has heavily referenced my art to the point multiple people came forward to ask me if their art was mine. Block evaded + stalked me and my friends, then claimed we were the ones stalking them. I have tried giving her a second chance after she broke practically all my boundaries but she simply did it all over again so I have no interest in hearing from her or anyone associated with her ever again. more info/reasons here

Blacklist (part 2)

The following users are not allowed to own my designs/get art from me.

Angelfonds : ZoophileKouvinxx : ZoophileChewToys : reasons hereScaramouchesWife : drew feral pornhomewardbound // lilhuddy // brokenhound // littlejay // @ chxkinghazxrd (instagram) // crxnchystudios (instagram) (they have other usernames im just lazy to write all of em cause all their accs get closed anyways) : A scammer, tried to guilt trip me, made false accusation about my friend, engaging with nsfw with minorsGoldenmaws // IridescentMaws // AutumnFalls : encouraged/caused blacklisted user to block evade me and come in contact with mecoastcaptain // circusdice // kaizukiyo // qhostflowerz // Ivoryswan // bunnywaves // hauntedspxder // v1ntagekitten // 80spider // solarcrystalz // lupinedawnn (previous known usernames: Monarchriot, Sugarxest, Nymphprince (they keep making new accs but they all get closed so i wont list them all ) : Scammer, boosts character worths, block evading me and my friend MULTIPLE TIMES, faking DID and claiming they have a hitler alter, other fucked up shit I also heard they're apparently a pedo or something so yeahCaffeyeen or whatever other user they have ( they're a zoo )Joycawn@k1t // saberkitty666 :reasons here-Timeless- // -Timeless-Tales- : publicly block evading meStarcattz // @selling-starsautumnli // saturdayzespoonsunn : actively enabling my bad coping mechanism and then snitching me to people when i finally got to stopreaivolnoirDay-Dreamz / selling-starsLepid : attempted to pressure me into drawing an oc I clearly stated I was not comfortable drawing ( also basically a grown adult being oh so sad because I didn't talk to them as much as I used to when I was 13 )SpyCorp : owns multiple ocs that make me very uncomfortable !! not fond of the communist dogmorderisk / nvm / pistol / starsnatch / nervousyoungdogwyIdroze : Tried to scam meTAEGAORI // YEUOBI : "DNI if u support black lives matter" whatOwlleer : you are racistthe entirety of chirugang ( if you know, you know )ThisIsChaos : making a kink headcanon for my main sona and making headcanons of their sona x my sona even after i told them I did not want to ship my sona with them + overall problematic behaviorPuffDraws / Puffanimates : Defended the person who sexually harassed my friend and called us bullies for calling him out, has apologized but is still very much besties with the harasserpuppybite : had a temper tantrum over me saying I don't wanna interact with someone who's first profile warning is for trans surgery scars, does not seem to realize that the block button exists and started saying i was calling them a body shamer and attacking them ?? fellas this is what happens when you tell a th user ur boundaries. . ... Apparently also has been lying about their age according to one of my mutuals,,, of course you're 13 wow i could barely tell !CringeLordXL : reason hereturbukai : Actively supports my groomer